
Those who praise themselves “s-broth” themselves

Chi si loda si sbroda

Bragging excessively leads to losing something of yourself. The verb “sbrodolarsi”, means to let out the liquid just introduced (in this case broth – brodo) from your mouth. So you eat less, you lose strength and energy. You comes out dramatically diminished, in the eyes of those who listen, and therefore also in the intimacy of one’s conscience. Furthermore, having an excessive confidence in one’s own means can lead us inexorably to a resounding defeat. Give to ourself merits and virtues alone has the opposite effect. It is a mistake to consider oneself superior and underestimate the opponent. Most of the time a low profile is the best solution!

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Listen to an idiot

Ascolta un cretino

Why? You may be wondering… subtle expression that is apparently contradictory as an elementary example of the use of first-class petty psychology (even psychology when it’s petty can be first-class). It is a rhetorical game as simple as it is effective: making your debut with “listen to an idiot” puts our interlocutor in an uncomfortable position, and can generate a dialectical advantage. In general, it is not good to say “idiot” to the one with whom we are having a conversation, even if he himself affirms it.
So the first reaction most of the time (but not always) is to think “no, you’re not an idiot”.
Also because accepting that the person who is speaking to us is an idiot, means saying that we are wasting time.
And this is never easy to accept, even if it is true.
Done! Those who say “listen to me, I’m an idiot” receive (without asking) an unconscious appreciation, which puts your opinion in a tendentially positive light. Ahhhhh the dialectic…..

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Burns hair question

Domanda a bruciapelo

These are the questions that suddenly leave us stunned by their instant formulation.
But the thing that intrigues us is the Italian term “bruciapelo”, literally “burnshair”. A kind of close shot that dumps (scartavetra in italian) our hair? Do we want to talk about the verb “scartavetrare”? To use a mix of paper and glass to scratch away… That said it’s a bit scary…

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